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Swiss metal indium bismuth gallium telluride asset company etc. metal portfolio strategy
Update Time : 2014-11-18 View : 6903
A variety of strategic metals portfolio assets of the company in Switzerland metal gallium, indium, bismuth tellurium

Source China Business Network http://www.chinaccm.com/36/20120803/360204_802647.shtml
REVIEW: Swiss Metal Assets Company (Swiss Metal Assets (SMA)) provides a rare and precious metals strategic purchasing and storage of contracting services in the Americas. The company is located in Panama, in the United States, Britain and Italy have agency ......
Keywords: Metal Assets Company indium gallium, bismuth telluride strategic metals

Swiss Metal Assets Company (Swiss Metal Assets (SMA)) provides a rare and precious metals purchasing and storage of strategic contracting services company in the Americas. The company is located in Panama, in the United States, Britain and Italy have agency. Its trading partners, the latter two Schweizerische Metallhandel AG company and Haines & Maassen companies are located in Germany.
SMA's goal is simply to represent clients in Switzerland and Panama, as well as its strategic purchasing and storage of some metals to wait for higher prices when sold back to the market 3-5 years later.
Knut Andersen's sales director, said: "These metals market demand has been overshadowed by the supply of fact, our annual revenue reserves accounted for 10% of the total European market for over a year now we have hafnium inventory... "
And although most investors are familiar with rare earth metals, but probably never heard of rare strategic metals, although 80% of these metals in our everyday household products and electronic devices have applications, though the amount is small.
SMA offers four metal investment allocation: basic industries, energy, construction and defense. Of which 12 kinds of strategic metals indium, gallium, tellurium, bismuth, tantalum and hafnium are SMA provided six belonging to such basic industries.
Wherein the base metal industry mainly stored in Switzerland, and thus consumer users mainly in Europe. Defense industry metal stored in Panama is mainly based on the demand side of the military industry, mainly in the Americas.
Clearly, China is actually in control of strategic metals 97% market share, while, as previously mentioned, strategic metal is mainly used in electronic components, such as Iphone, etc., with the growing Brazil, China and India, the middle class, for demand for electronic products is also rising. "Because demand in developed countries also continued to grow, the supply of strategic metals such intense pressure will further increase in the next five years, the price will be a blowout." Andersen. Said.
In fact, in the past three consecutive years, the average price of 12 kinds of metals which rose nearly 20 percent annually. Although in recent years the price of consumer electronics products in the fall, but strategic metals, however, took the opposite trend.
The company for the lowest energy portfolio holdings for $ 6,500, construction portfolio of $ 10,500, $ 18,000 for basic industries, defense portfolio was $ 23,500.
He also said that holding these metals can be carried out at the time of devaluation and inflation hedge swept wealth and purchasing power, and can guarantee a 100% return on investment, with currency risk characteristics, because the metal can be sold in exchange for any currency.
Relative to the 3-5 years, these metals are the best investment portfolio, there is much room for growth, but if the investment period is reduced to one year, Andersen still feels good to hold gold and silver.
Andersen cautioned, in today's volatile market, not only the interests of investors and metal prices proportional, but also out of concern for the current market turmoil. They hope to find a safe, transparent and low volatility of the product, and this is the reason his company offers this series of strategic metals portfolio because customers can really let go regardless wait years to get all the bonus.
Andersen ,: "I would try to buy these metals and buy gold at the current 300-400 dollars / ounce for comparison. Obviously, strategic metals upside is still very impressive."

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