1,Physical character:Atomic Weight:144.477
Energy gap:2.5 eV Density:4.48—4.5 1 g/cm3 Melting Point:mp:753℃
High Purity Cadmium Sulfide:CdS-05 the content of Cadmium
Sulfide is above 99.999%.The
totalcontent of impurity element ofAg,A1,Cu,Fe,Mg,Ni,Pb,Ca,Zn,Sn,As&CO is bellow 1 0 ppm;
3,Physical Size:Lump,Powder.
4,Usage:It is
primarily used in solar cells,the semiconductor materials,automatism camera control luminometer,photoconduction drum,laser window materials,infrared double color detectors,photoelectric radiation.Electricity.
radiation,manufacture of cathode radial radiation materials and etc.
5,Packing:To be sealed in polyethylene bottle under vacuum