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Nano solar cells will bring revolutionary changes in the photovoltaic industry Mittel
Update Time : 2015-10-08 View : 3855
Mandil Jeremy, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at University of Maryland, and YunluXu and TaoGong, have designed a new type of nano solar cell, which is expected to win 40% more than traditional equipment. This new technology can generate more power through a small single device, can completely change the solar energy industry.
Xu, Gong, and Shackley Guise will have their study published in the journal Science report, which is published in the journal Science report. This is an online, publicly accessible Journal of nature. The journal publishes the scientific basis for the scientific basis in all areas of natural and clinical sciences.
Shackley Guise efficiency limit refers to a specific material can be achieved by the solar energy conversion efficiency limit, but also with the new standard of photovoltaic technology. For a standard solar cell, the efficiency limit is 33%. However, recently people want to know whether the nano solar cells are also subject to this limit.
Now, Xu, Gong, and Mandil have demonstrated a single junction nanostructured solar cell, the maximum theoretical efficiency is 42% under typical solar illumination. This goes beyond the efficiency of conventional planar devices, but the Shackley Guise efficiency limit is not more than a planar device in the spotlight (e.g., the use of solar cells in the lens to focus sunlight). The researchers found that nano structured solar cells, through the built-in spotlight for the manufacture of high efficiency photovoltaic equipment provides an important path. Even when the researchers considered the effect of light scattering in the atmosphere, the nano structured solar cells were able to achieve a 35.5% efficiency by a modest 1000 of the built-in focus.
When Mandil and his team designed and manufactured nano solar cells, they found the greatest challenge coming from the nano processing technology. "First, you design a well functioning solar cell, and then you start to make some big structural transformation on the nano scale, all of which have no loss," Mandil said. "Fortunately, we have now found a some hope of materials and processes, but also keen on this field a team of students, is expected to in the field of solar technology to flex its muscles."

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